Title - Splashdown of Gemini 5, Cooper and Conrad
Description - Astronauts L. Gordon Cooper Jr. and Charles "Pete" Conrad Jr. exit their spacecraft after splashdown of the Gemini 5 spacecraft. They are photographed boarding a life raft with the help of Navy divers. Overhead view of the Gemini 5 spacecraft showing the yellow flotation collar used to stabilize the spacecraft in choppy seas. The green marker dye is highly visible from the air and is used as a locating aid. One of the crewmembers is standing on the floation collar while the other is in the life raft. A Navy diver is standing by to assist the crew when they are hoisted up by the recovery helicopter.
Description Source - NASA
Year - August 21, 1965
Splashdown of Gemini 5 with Astronauts Cooper and Conrad
New borderless print
Heavy-weight professional media
Coated for water-resistance
Acid free to prevent yellowing
Selected sizes are approximate