Title - Actress Lillie Langtry
Description - Emilie Charlotte Langtry (née Le Breton; October 13, 1853 - February 12, 1929), known as Lillie (or Lily) Langtry and nicknamed "The Jersey Lily", a British-American socialite, actress and producer. Born on the island of Jersey, upon marrying she moved to London in 1876. Her looks and personality attracted interest, commentary, and invitations from artists and society hostesses, and she was celebrated as a young woman of great beauty and charm. By 1881, she had become an actress and starred in many plays in the UK and the United States. She was also known for her relationships with noblemen, including the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII), the Earl of Shrewsbury, and Prince Louis of Battenberg. She was the subject of widespread public and media interest.
Description Source - Wikipedia
Year - ca. 1880
Lillie (Lily) Langtry, British-American Actress and Socialite
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