Title - Gen. Randolph Marcy and Others at Antietam
Description - Generals and Officers at Antietam, Maryland. Gen. Randolph B. Marcy with officers and civilians at Army of the Potomac headquarters. Photograph from the main eastern theater of the war, Battle of Antietam. Capt. Wright Rives; John W. Garrett, Pres., Baltimore & Ohio R.R.; Orderly; Gen. Marcy; Lt. Col. Andrew P. Porter; Commissary of Subsistence; Col. Thomas S. Mather, McClernand's Chief of Artillery; Ozias M. Hatch, Secretary of State of Illinois; Joseph C. G. Kennedy, Supt. of the Census of 1860.
Description Source - Library of Congress
Year - October 3, 1862
Gen. Randolph Marcy and Others, Antietam - Sharpsburg
New borderless print
Heavy-weight professional media
Coated for water-resistance
Acid free to prevent yellowing
Selected sizes are approximate