Title - American Automobile Pioneer Charles Duryea
Description - Charles E. Duryea posing in an 1895 Duryea phaeton automobile, in front of the residence of J. Frank Duryea in Springfield, Massachusetts. Typed on back: "Subject: Duryea automobiles. Collection: MS3/Charles E. Duryea Collection. Date: c.1894-1895. Source: Estate of Charles E. & M. Jerry Duryea. I.D.: Duryea phaeton. Citation on back of photo: C.E. Duryea in 1895. Taken in Springfield, Mass. in front of Frank's (his brother) house, summer of 1895, before Chicago race. This car in which Frank raced in November, and won."
Description Source - Estate of Charles E. & M. Jerry Duryea
Year - 1895 |
American Automobile Pioneer Charles Duryea
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