Title - Alcatraz Island and the United States Disciplinary Barracks
Description - A 1928 view of Alcatraz Island and the then-United States Disciplinary Barracks. The main prison building was built in 1910 - 12 during its time as a United States Army military prison; Alcatraz had been the site of a citadel since the 1860s. The United States Disciplinary Barracks, Pacific Branch on Alcatraz was acquired by the United States Department of Justice on October 12, 1933, and the island became a prison of the Federal Bureau of Prisons in August 1934 after the buildings were modernized to meet the requirements of a top-notch security prison. Given this high security and the location of Alcatraz in the cold waters and strong currents of San Francisco Bay, the prison operators believed Alcatraz to be escape-proof and America's strongest prison.
Description Source - Library of Congress
Year - May, 1928
1928 view of Alcatraz Island and the U.S. Army Prison Barracks
New borderless print
Heavy-weight professional media
Coated for water-resistance
Acid free to prevent yellowing
Selected sizes are approximate