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General John Caldwell & Staff, Antietam - Sharpsburg
Scene of Terrific Conflict after Battle of Antietam
Sherrick House by Burnside Bridge, Battle of Antietam
Hospital of Staw Huts After Antietam - Sharpsburg
Antietam Creek at Sharpsburg after Battle, Maryland
Signal Tower on Elk Mountain, Antietam - Sharpsburg
Abraham Lincoln & McClellan at Antietam - Sharpsburg
93rd New York Infantry at Antietam - Sharpsburg Battle
Dead on Battlefield of Antietam - Sharpsburg
Bridge across Antietam Creek, Sharpsburg Maryland
Pontoon Bridge Near Sharpsburg, Antietam Battlefield
Pontoon Across the Potomac River, Antietam Sharpsburg
Allan Pinkerton with Men in Camp, Antietam - Sharpsburg
Gen. Randolph Marcy and Others, Antietam - Sharpsburg
Losses in Sunken Road, Antietam - Sharpsburg
Headquarters of Fitz John Porter, Antietam - Sharpsburg
Knap's Pennsylvania Battery at Antietam - Sharpsburg
Pontoon Bridge near Berlin - Brunswick, Antietam
Allan Pinkerton at Antietam - Sharpsburg Battlefield
New 8x10 Civil War Photo: Allan Pinkerton & Visitors at Antietam - Sharpsburg